Corporate training and compliance is usually just verification of common sense. Or the industry trends and developments they experience in their day-to-day activities. It can also be accessed using the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + C. endobj A lot of training materials these days are delivered through video. In Quicktime, hit CTRL+K then change the Playback Speed to whatever suits you. You just need to insert questions and alternatives regarding your topic, and voil! %%EOF 4 0 obj %PDF-1.5 Quite the contrary, they want to take it all in. Heres how: To sum this point up, add elements in your presentation that respond to the four learning styles, and youll get an immersive and more dynamic training session. To predict categorical labels of the nodes in a graph, you can use a GCN [1]. Ive tried the Announce upload. TOP 10s. Creating a training presentation is not a simple task. Likewise, participants with visibility issues might need an easy-to-read font size in the slides or color contrast in your presentation visuals. But if you have several presentations to upgrade or designing in PowerPoint is not exactly the most productive way to spend your time, let the 24Slides team handle it for you! GCN Training - YouTube To activate it, follow this route: File tab > Information > Check for issues (next to Inspect Document) > Check Accessibility. I will now use the open-source graph data from the University of Dortmund. Lets use YouTube as an example of how we can get circumvent the playback speed of these videos. Unlike your usual PowerPoints, a training deck should convey work-related information in a way that keeps your team engaged and creates a positive learning experience. These final slides contain the key points from your lesson and help viewers retain the essentials. This is a common situation in learning scenarios, and its not because your participants dont care about what youre saying. endobj Hover over the Progress bar so it highlights the bar. 10 Tips for creating an effective training presentation. GCN RACING. Who knows? endobj Anyway to "Secretly" Skip Over Required slides - E-Learning Heroes hb``b``jb```Sg@ Qd1!(f`Tgd0g;{@@=Eqw\&4nJ,`lG0. xZmo7nEM/9|-HmR+; ]-&]DzzRZZNO~B-NO..{:=1x1jQMv?OOuj: :)^A=Bmta']{tXVDI2+g0i[gE!at"#a1:2 xini}N#%aU?.a"Vd2Os.N`z$[Wt u0`:[vM+s(=B`&>J24"*l1(x3,VL|1Qg"`@Q.Ll However, as Henry Ford said, The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay!. There's two necessary parts to be able to do this task: a graph: this notebook uses the Cora dataset from Well-trained employees need less supervision, which translates into more time for managers to dedicate to their own tasks. Im a software developer blogging about my adventures in tech! As with any strenuous exercise, you should take into account factors such as your flexibility, strength and overall health to determine if an exercise is appropriate for you, and consult a doctor/physician before beginning a programme of exercise. Self-assessment activities are a great way to engage with your audience - even when youre not there to guide them! Ideally, your presentation gives solutions to an issue the business has identified. This technique only works if you have downloaded the video. Its a typically glorious day with productivity and relaxation on the horizon. Want to make your corporate training relevant to your team? And you can make their learning experience easier by simply adding summary slides. Plus, keeping visual consistency across all materials helps your team become familiar with the brand and reinforce that theyre part of the company's activities. (You can also simply copy this code below and replace the code in your Dev Tools window if you like), Now you should be able to click around your seekbar and it should start auto fast forward to the end of the slide. Adding the companys brand to training materials shows your team that you care. Usually, the host would end the presentation with an Any Questions? slide, but what about you asking the questions? Take this multiple-choice quiz template as an example. If you have worked in the tech sector for a minute, this stuff is at best a refresher. I prefer 1.5x because it balances speed and understandability. Use keyboard shortcuts to skip and pause Flash videos - Mac - Macworld *TQE@BK> F) B#_b7\e'Vor:tXBx_g4nx wl2,%Ce7[ V4Wd8[[[r!9c-sYJE"%y t:Zo)&!Q{^|T,.M?rXE7_u-\~.HVO-K,mS 14(Hm[(P'v^7Xp][B:pAQ*M.k)^?K92!cPR]pm.9M(JD",BuTDKPWhb8c A good design provides structure and visual flow. So, remember to inject the brands identity into your training decks. As Benny Prasetyo, Design manager from 24Slides, says: So keep that in mind. The program Ive used for years to speed up online training videos is Enounce MySpeed. 82 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<430396A0FED9C54C9CFDAC6CE552C757><74A50A0285B2CA479538A72855A4076B>]/Index[62 50]/Info 61 0 R/Length 102/Prev 274142/Root 63 0 R/Size 112/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream I think this course is a great tool to help those who need help to understand how not to be an asshole. Train With GCN | GCN - Global Cycling Network But the second part is where the real magic happens. PDF BNS-GCN: Ecient Full-Graph Training of Graph Convolutional Networks PDF General Troubleshooting for GCN Training - College Of Lake County <> In Chrome, there is a handy Inspection tool that you can use to view and alter the source of your web page. Thanks for the info on how to do it! !79jY[{TPBPCPN/IloQ42wK['G|i5&eDk|Qm3WGH5xEJstQ^p)-:aJf"[us}qvoG=* :;m1v'^ [p" %>u{rj 16B(c@'J*B=n_RrMRu+t3'C_w[&YZ]#VV! PipeGCN: Ecient Full-Graph Training of Graph Convolutional Networks with Pipelined . [2";*Zpr#qo&5xZ",+lkKyyUItMH@dG[Jw\y]b"=;kOZ|Xyufej.Pr)URDr@w):nMi. Plus, studies confirm that visuals help process information faster and facilitate learning. How To Speed Up HR Training and Compliance Videos, make sure to enable your Developer tools first, ChatGPT helped me find an API - Venmo deeplink URLs, Writing Better JavaScript Unit Tests - Scenarios, How To Send A Prank Text Message with Node.js and Twilio API. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast,, <>>> To speed up a video on a PC, if the video plays in Windows Media Player, just hit CTRL+SHIFT+G (while the video is playing) and it'll speed it to about 1.5 times normal speed. How often have you seen participants more worried about taking notes from your slides than actually following your speech? Thats when you can rely on a good design to deliver a coherent interpretation of your lessons. endobj the office, education, Picture this: one morning, youre sitting at your comfy standup desk catching up on the latest tech news. Dont you feel like youre wasting my time watching training videos, no matter how valuable it is? The first part is on your expertise and every piece of information you can share. hnF_e$hmyk$i;uADeJ:~CI,)sWY3y8 7Le*y6(8 FPq[&U$I)1K4$VB+&hh&nR?c!lYp4f%i%qIxUE^LIrz [d:Q[&9Ee*?2+*&w@$+a+-tNeU>Lw[,Zf87m><9K|z_1TruGRrNLr^ToC^O *O,3,izS%OwY5]U,,cLj3C>4]f${vu~9qIaftbRTAbDV(- A* :Dc/1N( q9@9eEod'}#:4WG$:$. K&y. To be officially complete with all of the required training you need in GCN, you must complete the entire menu of required training topics shown on . Partaking in training sessions following GCN's video instruction is entirely at your own risk, and Global Cycling Network, its partners and its affiliated companies cannot be held responsible for any injuries which may occur as a result of these exercises.Watch more on GCNMore workouts with GCN: Global Cycling Network (GCN) is the largest and fastest-growing online cycling channel in the world, bringing together a global community of road cyclists to celebrate everything thats great about the world of cycling. Your email address will not be published. Discontinue your exercise session immediately if you experience any pain, dizziness or discomfort. Protected under US Patents 6,334,133, 6,675,151, 7,430,519, 7,945,468, and 8,140,366 with additional patents pending. How To Speed Up HR Training and Compliance Videos Obviously the "secret" keys would only be known by the people who develope and QC the modules and not by the end users. stream These only work with Flash videos; if you load HTML5 videos on YouTube, these shortcuts don't. If there is a challenge in completing these trainings, please reach out to your supervisor to come up with an . Yesterday I had some training videos to watch that was supposed to take 45 minutes. @ \ 12 0 obj You will see your required tutorials listed. It helps your employees better comprehend information. Another thing to do while in addition to your already growing workload! Youll probably save at least an hour worth of sitting here watching this and can fast tract to take the tests to show you are a competent employee who can treat others as they want to be treated, usually with a professional respect. Sorry, I dont have a Mac (yet), so could someone please chip in with how to do this on a Mac? <> Node Classification Using Graph Convolutional Network GCN's Training Playlist - the playlist for spin classes and training sessions to do on the bike. Thats why today Ive got a little help from the 24Slides presentation designers. The good thing is that you can appeal to the four of them within your training PowerPoint presentation. <> I sped up Windows Media Player and got the same information, but it only took 30 minutes. Download free ebooks on all things elearning. The Dev Tools window will direct you to the HTML code: Now to enable this progress bar the ability to seek and to auto fast-forward to the end with one click. PDF GCN Online Training Guide - Illinois State Board Of Education Ready to take your presentations to the next level? BNS-GCN: Ecient Full-Graph Training of Graph Convolutional Networks with Partition-Parallelism and Random Boundary Node Sampling Cheng Wan . Published: 15 March 2011Last Modified: 14 October 2018. Step 1 - Open your browser's Developer Tools to Inspect DOM Using the keyboard shortcut Command + Option + C, open your Developer Tools. Ramp efforts may be very hard, but they can be absolutely worth it for power and endurance gains! Inquiry your audiences minds and create open questions for anyone to share their opinions. How to Evaluate a Training Program in 2023 Most training programs are conducted by companies to ensure that their employees can contribute to their goals without any problem. #CLj&*$T n(|R [! But whats the point if youre going to highlight the entire page? process information faster and facilitate learning, why branding is essential in presentations, presentation design support to some of the biggest companies worldwide, 10 training presentation tips you can execute right now, Training sessions leverage new employees productivity faster. You dont need to look outside the office when you already have expert sources that can provide you with valuable know-how for your training slides. However, you can also adapt your PowerPoint materials to them. 10 Tips for creating an effective training presentation - 24Slides 2. If this is the case for you (use your Developer Tools to verify), youre stuck having to watch the entirety of these programs! Required fields are marked *. <> Some sites, like Youtube, now have the ability to automatically speed up the video, but for everything else, Enounce gets the job. 5 0 obj Remove the disabled keyword in the HTML element and set the step attribute to 1, and set the . endstream endobj 66 0 obj <>stream If you are anything like me, and have common sense in the workplace, you don't want to waste your time watching videos that re-iterate what you have already learned AND apply on a daily . How can you make the online learning experience one to remember? However, for the rest of us normal people, this mandatory course requires us to take precious time out of our workday to watch this presentation of sexual harassment scenarios . GCN (Global Compliance Network) Training / GCN (Global - Monroe Damilka Rojas, Design manager at 24Slides, gives us expert input on the right design approach for effective training presentations: Plus, many training slides are stand-alone materials with the task of conveying information without a live instructor. Videos from GCN Training can be accessed directly within Frontline Professional Growth as a part of professional learning activities for credit or exploratory learning. However, I already know the material inside and out and do not wish to be bothered watching the clip. Well talk more about this kind of content in the following sections. How do you convey your knowledge? If you find yourself working for a mid-size to large corporation, you will undoubtedly run into corporate training and compliance programs. Your images, icons, and other graphics are not merely decorative devices. Our expert designers can create stunning slides to draw your audiences attention while keeping the professional look your training decks deserve. Suddenly, without warning, your email inbox receives a new message from HR: You have XXXX Training Compliance Certification to complete!". <>>> 60 Mins Progressive Intervals - Steps To Glory! | GCN Training Workouts Some e-Learning includes a Next button that allow you to skip forward, but many do not. endobj GCN's Training Playlist - the playlist for spin classes and training sessions to do on the bike. Its like highlighting a textbook. 3 0 obj | How to skip mandatory training videos to Rewatching might mean you learn the material better or pick up something you missed before. This is extremely important in eLearning because you want everyone in the organization to benefit from your lessons. These programs are typically performed annually to ensure that employees are educated about data policy, security and passwords, customer PII, and other policies you company has deemed necessary. ^ELxgSR"V}Q(+|-I,{+RLU=ZnU9\y"6YR"R(C~m]06crL=,;\v,>^kt7~yF}}s&3mZ/Z"mnD6dIlYwc]}eX}71 0 Make sure to stay on top of the latest security trends to keep yourself, your customers, and your company safe. With a mixture of fat burning workouts, e. Mostly it is just a huge time sink filled with cheesy dialog, outdated questions, trick questions on quizzes, and a volume of content you could easily find on OWASP. Hows the day-to-day of the areas involved? You can get it from here. Fast-Forward, Playback Speed) for the average user. It has a 7 day free trial, so you can check it out first. If you click on the SWF (or maybe just a section/color of it) and press a special key combination (like the left arrow and the Shift key simultaneously), you could pop up a menu (or just a number entry area) that will then let you jump to the specified slide. Sometimes I just use it because the training centre has a weird setup where you have to change the speed on every video. (Please note that this is a generic logon for all Substitutes so it may show that the videos have been completed. The UI video controls will often be locked down (i.e. For the purposes of this tutorial, I will be using Chrome on Mac OS. You have been warned! 13 0 obj Q. The button may show 'Start', 'Continue' or 'Complete' and then you may have to select 'slide one' to start the video at the beginning. Or hit the X and it will hide in the notifications area, but keep working. The guy was now talking so fast I had to pay attention to keep up. Execute the following code snippet in your browsers console: This code will play the video at 4x speed, which will play a 4 minute video in one minute. <> They provide presentation design support to some of the biggest companies worldwide, so rest assured your slides will be in good hands. Many use Flash, Silverlight, or some other locked-down software. %%_7EHRK3g.p}{w95X Xu^BS p~2}'@h,4Lypi-;Xlr7~.\g~unUdZ%JO+@F1G:ck\uMLVUfo. m is equivalent to the weights. Content is continually updated and often tailored to state-specific mandates, laws, and specifications. endobj % This is basically equivalent to y = mx+b in Linear Regression, where:. FABULOUS i used to skip through lectures/training videos or multi-task while listening/watching much better idea focus and actually get everything you need without feeling like youre wasting time or drifting off. <> I dont know about you, but I can read a lot faster than I can watch a video. var slide = 5; var slides = . Thank you in advance! In this post, . Another great way to appeal to aural or auditory learners is using a conversational style in your slides, so they can read your PPT as if you were talking directly to them. I like how it doesnt chipmunk voices. <> This will open up your Dev Tools and then allow you to hover over the HTML element you want to inspect. endobj Follow the prompts . Daydream or listen to music if you are really bored. It can also be accessed using the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + C. With this tool, you can explore the web pages DOM to find the