Step and Repeats are the large backdrops that you see in the background of celebrity photographs when they attend awards shows and charity events. Typically utilized for red carpet affairs, they can elevate your event to a whole new level despite their seemingly minimal design.
“of, relating to, or employing a method in which successive exposures of a single image are made on a printing surface that is being prepared for gang printing”.
The Merriam Webster dictionary definition of Step and Repeat printing

In layman’s terms a step and repeat banner is a large format printed banner that is displayed often at red carpet events with two or more logos – usually the sponsor/s logo and the event’s logo. Sometimes logos of two sponsors are on the banner in a repeating fashion. Although very similar to media backdrops, what makes step and repeats unique is their patterned logo backdrop that is meant for maximizing brand exposure both at the event and in photographs.
These should be utilized for any type of significant event where you are expecting many people to dress up for the night and take photos. Charity fundraisers, industry award ceremonies, film festivals, high school proms, college grad nights, are all great examples.
To begin designing your Step and Repeat you’ll need to select the two logos that will be used on the banner, ensure that they’re in a high-quality format, and choose a background color. Determine the size and make sure to opt for a matte finish so there is no glare from the lights shining on the board.
Let Digital Magic Signs help with your next big event and make sure your company is getting proper exposure, contact us HERE.